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Parts Work Therapy

This therapy allows children and youth to hear the voice and understand the needs of each internal part. 


The foundation of Parts Work Therapy, or Ego State Therapy, holds that the human mind is capable of conflicting thoughts and feelings; that our parts are reflections of our family of origin; and that all parts of the self are important and have served the self in survival.


The PESI organization describes, “It is common to experience conflicts between opposing emotions or needs. Sometimes these internal conflicts may be too disruptive for us to hold within our sense of self. When an individual has a history of chronic, repeated trauma, there can be a greater divide between these different parts of the self and a greater likelihood of dissociative symptoms”.


The goal of parts work therapy is to help clients realize and integrate the disowned emotions and traumatic memories held by exiled parts of the self.  This therapy allows children and youth to hear the voice and understand the needs of each internal part.  We can also help them recognize that their needs for protection and nurturance can and will be met through healthy relationships, including the therapeutic relationship.  Parents and caregivers can also learn about their child’s missing or ruptured attachment experiences and provide reparative experiences for their child to further integrate their internal parts.

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